If you would like to learn more about Santerķa and its roots, the following links may be of interest to you.

Image of Shango and his double-headed axe sourced from http://altreligion.about.com/library/graphics/bl_chango.htm.

The Palo and Lukumi Organization


Santerķa Mail List Community

Ifa Foundation

African-Based Religions

Organization for Lukumi Unity

Afro-Cuban Orisha Arts

AfroCuba Anthology


The Rochester Pluralism Project: Botanica Obtala Shango

IPA NY Voices That Must Be Heard

OrishaNet A Web Resource for Ifa, La Santerķa and the Orishas (Orichas)

The Altar of My Soul

Cuban Information Archives

Yoruba:  A Celebration of Yoruba Culture

Santerķa and South Florida

Santerķa:  Religion of the Masses

Afro-Caribbean Syncretic

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©2005 - Jennifer Ellerman