Santería is truly an amazing example of retention.  In spite of the immense tragedy and suffering that brought this religion about, it has survived and grown immensely.  Miguel De La Torre describes this perspective eloquently: 

As a way of being and living, Santería, formed a s a spiritual response to oppressive structures like slavery, developed into a symbol of protest.  If we attempt to explain Santería only in terms of beliefs, we reduce the religion to a view of life, when in fact it is a way of life.  This way of life has become a response against societal forces bent on destroying the culture of believers - a form of survival by way of cultural resistance.  (2004:190)

Through the practice of Santería, its followers find comfort, purpose and meaning in their lives.  They may appeal to and communicate with the egún and their orishas for assistance or guidance.  Healing, both physical and spiritual, is achieved.  Having grown out of a relatively small area in Africa, culture of the Yoruba has spread across the globe, refusing to be stamped out and standing across the centuries as a fascinating example of the complexity and richness of Africa's people.

Another representation of Elegguá, the trickster orisha.
Image sourced from

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